And So it Begins…

My name is Keegan Rankin and I’m studying to be a geologist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. I also run cross country for UAF. My dad is in the Air Force so I have lived everywhere from California, Florida, Alaska, Texas, and now upstate New York. I have done and seen a lot. I feel as this has widened my horizons of different types of art and different types of music. I love nature and I love being outside.

Art to me, is about expressing ones self. It speaks different words to different people. I myself like to write short poems or songs just for fun as I feel it is a good way to express myself. I also enjoy drawing and painting a little bit. In “boring” classes I’m usually caught doodling in the sides of my notes while the professor is talking about anything from equations to gravity. I have been to a few art galleries. There is one art gallery that I really enjoyed at a small college in Oberlin, Ohio where my girlfriend goes to school.

It consisted of a room full of paintings and the room was being surrounded in classical music that she painted to. The artist’s name is Judit Reigl. She is a Hungarian painter living in France. I remember having a very interesting  feeling inside the room that made me really connect with the paintings. The painting below is the one that really stuck out to me. Judit Reigl: Body of Music

Judit Reigl.jpg

Painting by Judit Reigl